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  • Nine important steps to making good money from YouTube

    Nine important steps to making good money from YouTube

    Perhaps you have already heard about profit from YouTube and the stories of people who have made profits from YouTube, and you may have asked yourself, “Can I do that too!” If you do not know how to get started on the path of profit from YouTube, you can through this guide to start making money quickly, especially if you have a strong follower base. Follow these steps to start getting revenue from YouTube views and making revenue from Google Adsense ads on your videos.

    Set up and create a YouTube channel

    1. Set up and create a YouTube channel. YouTube channel is your personal presence on YouTube. Every YouTube account has a channel linked to it. A YouTube account is the same as a Google account, and creating a YouTube account will give you the right to access other Google services, such as Adsense and Drive.

    Create an account on Gmail or use your existing account. Then add keywords to help people get to your channel. You can add keywords by going to the “Advanced” section of the channel settings. Ensure that the keywords are relevant to the channel’s content.

    google youtube video

    Username is an important tool that you can benefit from. If the name is special, your followers will easily mention it. But if you used an account you already have, you can change the username at any time by modifying your Google Plus account. YouTube channel names are suggested.
    Upload content to YouTube

    1. Upload content. Try to upload high-definition videos, but stay away from videos that are too long. (This may vary depending on the type of video you want to upload to the casters) Also try to upload videos regularly and keep in line with the channel’s activity.

    Even if the content isn’t good at first, practice will make you better. Try to make each video better than the previous one. Most of the time you will learn this.
    Optimize your content by using a good camera or trying to use editing software to make up for it. Also try to improve your photography skills. Use a tripod and if you have a friend, ask him to help improve the lighting better. All of this helps produce a better video and thus helps you get more views.
    Updating your channel regularly helps you create a constantly following audience. You can get more subscribers if you add content regularly, and keep that regularity as much as possible.
    Make sure to tag your videos with the keywords that describe the videos, as this will help attract people to your video by searching on YouTube.
    Acquisition of the audience from BeautyUp

    1. Audience acquisition. Building audience is a key component to increasing profits. You need people to view the ads to get paid. There is no secret to getting a huge number of subscribers, other than making your channel offer better videos.

    google youtube video

    Continue to upload videos and try to reach people interested in the channel’s field. By sharing the video on Twitter and Facebook and publishing it in the groups of social networking sites.
    Interact with viewers by responding to comments and making videos that are directly related to viewers’ comments and questions. Connecting with viewers will bring more views to your channel.
    Monetization from YouTube

    1. Monetization from YouTube. In order to start earning from YouTube you will need to enable monetization. This means that you allow YouTube to place ads on your videos. This means that you acknowledge that there is no copyright material in your video.

    Profit from YouTube and YouTube views

    1. Reaching 10,000 views. In updating the new YouTube policy, the channel’s access to 10,000 views within a maximum of 12 months is a prerequisite for the possibility of submitting a profit request from YouTube.

    You can monetize your videos when you upload them by clicking on the Monetization or Monetization tab and clicking on the “Monetize with Ads” box.
    To monetize any video after uploading it, open the Video Manager and click on the “$” sign next to the video that you want to monetize. Then check the “Make money with ads” box. You can get views within two days for free from the AddMeFast site, register and then go to your email to activate your account and start gaining views.
    Set up a Google Adsense account

    1. Set up a Google Adsense account. You must have a Google Adsense account to start making profits. Click on the Sign up now button and start creating an account. You must be 18 years or older to create your account. If you are younger than that, you will need an adult to help you enter their details for you.

    You need a bank account or receipt through Western Union and a postal number in addition to other information so that Adsense can verify the identity of whoever is going to send the profits to it. You will earn smaller amounts per click on the ad and less per view, but these will increase over time. This is why views are the main key to increasing YouTube profit.
    Check your YouTube analytics

    1. Check your analyzes. After you’ve uploaded some videos to your channel, monetized them and gained views, you can check out their analyzes to see their performance level.

    Click on Analytics in the side menu. You can view estimated earnings, see ad performance, individual video views, geographic information, and more information about the channel.
    Use these tools to see how much your audience likes what you offer.
    Promote your videos online .

    1. Marketing your videos elsewhere. Don’t just put your videos on YouTube! Consider creating a blog or website or publishing it on other video platforms like YouTube. The more views, the better. By sharing the link or embedding the video on websites, you improve your chance of getting more profits.

    Become a YouTube partner

    1. Become a YouTube partner. YouTube partners are YouTube members who have monetized videos with high views. Partners gain access to more content creation tools, and can win prizes based on the number of views they have. The partners also get more support and advice from YouTube employees.

    You can apply for YouTube Partnerships at any time through the YouTube Partner Page. In order to gain access to the most powerful partner programs, you need to have 15,000 cumulative viewing hours for your channel over the last 90 days.
    Ways to Profit from YouTube (Top 4 Main Methods)
    4 main ways to make money from YouTube, which you will learn about in detail:

    google youtube video

    Partner with YouTube and make money from ads
    Working with brands or with corporate sponsorship
    Use fan financing platforms to support your channel
    Sell ​​products on YouTube
    Now we will explain each one in detail

    Become a YouTube partner and make money from ads

    When thinking about how to profit from YouTube, the easiest way is to make profits through ads: You can allow YouTube to display different types of ads on or next to your videos, and when someone clicks on these ads or buys something through advertising, you get commission.

    To earn money from ads, you will need to become a YouTube partner. You can do this by going to the Creator Studio section of your account and enabling Monetization. You will also need to subscribe to the Google AdSense Network. Of course, this method we explained in full above.

    Sometimes the videos may not qualify for monetization. The problem with Adsense is that you may need a large number of views and clicks to get a large revenue from ads, and YouTube has become very strict with the rules regarding monetizing videos.

    Because of these problems, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with alternative ways to profit from your YouTube channel along with ads.

    youtube trending

    Profit from brands or sponsors

    As your channel grows and you gain a large number of subscribers, you can start communicating with different brands to showcase their products to your audience. This is a great way to earn money from YouTube, because all you have to do is display the products you love in the videos on your channel.

    Usually, sponsors pay you fixed amounts to advertise to them on every video you post on your channel, and provide you with a special link so that if someone buys a product from them, you also get an additional commission. It’s a great way to monetize YouTube. And this step after some time has passed to establish a channel that has followers on YouTube.

    For example, in this video, you can watch “YouTuber Mahmoud Tariq” talking about how to buy products from abroad without paying duties through the HitchHiker app and the video sponsored by Hitchhiker.

    Profit from YouTube from brands or sponsors
    This type of marketing is similar to the profit from affiliate marketing, but it is much easier besides that you will not need to receive calls or questions about the product and so on.

    Use fan financing platforms to support your channel

    When searching for how to earn money on YouTube, look into fan financing platforms like Patreon. These platforms allow viewers of your videos to sign up to donate regularly to you. For example, someone might sign up to donate $ 1 a month, $ 10 a month, etc. In exchange for this support, for example, they get a Skype call with you every month to help them solve a technical issue, for example, allow them to watch the videos before they are published, and more. Like youtuber atheist Sherif Jaber.

    youtube trending

    YouTuber Sharif Jaber Ali Patron
    These platforms are great because they allow you to get a “monthly salary” where you specify exactly how much you will be getting. All you have to do is create a page on Patreon, send your viewers there, and offer them some attractive rewards on your YouTube channel.

    Selling products or merchandise

    Sell ​​products or merchandise on YouTube
    If you want to know how to profit from YouTube, it is a good idea to consider selling your products or merchandise. YouTubers make a lot of money doing this and for some of them it is their main source of income.

    As your channel develops and promotes it, you can start to know what your audience wants. You can create your own website where you display your products, and post the website link in the description to send viewers to the site to buy the products.

    5 tips to improve YouTube profits
    Here are 5 essential tips to monetize your YouTube channel and make more money:

    1. Stay steady and keep improving the video quality

    The only way to get more views, subscribers, and fans is to constantly post videos. This is the real secret to investing in a YouTube channel.

    Not only will this earn you more money, but you feel more comfortable in front of the camera, and you end up being more persuasive when marketing a product through your channel!

    Once you start creating a “don’t stop” channel publishing new and exclusive videos, you will feel every day getting better and better.

    1. Improve imaging tools

    What videos do you prefer to watch on YouTube? Videos from a shaky and bad phone camera, or still videos shot on a high-quality DSLR?

    When you start working on YouTube, I look for resources to learn how to professionally photograph, in addition to mastering the montage programs to produce a professional video for your viewers.

    1. Create high-quality content and listen to your audience

    This is the first mistake most creative people make when starting their YouTube business. Their mother doesn’t care about the quality of the content provided.

    Always set your audience as your first goal, think about it, and ask what they want. And that doesn’t mean you should do something you don’t want just because viewers are asking for it. You should be doing the things that you love to do, and that your viewers want them to be.

    1. Expansion by creating other channels and creating your own website

    Very successful youtubers have their own websites where they sell other products. They also have side channels and other accounts on sites like podcast, Instagram, Twitter, and more.

    With continued growth and success, you should consider expanding your reach to a larger audience and creating more channels so that you have a greater opportunity to reach more people.

    1. Write your headlines and make good photos

    In order to create a successful YouTube channel, you must have good experience creating attractive video titles. There are millions of videos on YouTube, so you should learn everything that helps you to make your videos stand out from the huge amount of videos on YouTube.

    Tips to improve video views
    Use keywords as they help increase video views.
    Add distinctive music at the beginning of each new video clip.
    Upload videos to YouTube regularly.
    Create videos with good content and quality.
    Create social media accounts and share your videos with them!
    Be sure to add Tags when uploading a new video.
    Create videos about what’s trending on the Internet.
    Games and comics are among the most-watched genres on YouTube.
    Important warnings for beginners before starting to profit from YouTube
    Some people may leave negative comments to disappoint you. Don’t give them a chance for that.
    If you have videos that contain copyright-protected content (such as music that you did not create, film parts, etc.), this reduces the chance of signing up for the YouTube Partner Program.
    Copyrighted content can cause your videos to be blocked, and possibly even blocked.
    Answer common questions about profit from YouTube
    These are some of the important questions that are always repeated by beginners in profit from YouTube:

    How much is the profit rate from YouTube?
    There is no limit to the profit rate from YouTube, which varies based on several factors. And also the profits of a channel in a field that differs from another. For example: comedy, games, fashion, and technology are common areas on YouTube.

    Millions of people browse YouTube daily for entertainment. Regardless of the content, the style of attracting viewers and the quality of the video content can achieve the highest revenue from YouTube. For example, geography is not an exciting field for most people. Note that a YouTube channel named Paul Barbato publishes videos titled “Geography with flair, excitement and comedy.” The channel has exceeded 100 million views and over a million subscribers.

    How much does YouTube pay for a million views?
    If you are not a subscriber to Google AdSense, you will not gain anything, but if you are a subscriber, your profits range from one million views from Arab countries between 500 – 800 dollars, and if the views are from foreign countries such as Denmark and America, the profits can reach 3000 dollars. The AdSense revenue generated by the channel varies according to many factors such as the countries from which the views come from, the types of ads that are displayed, the category of content, and the average length of the video because if the duration of the video is 30 minutes, you can place more than one ad on a single video, thus doubling the profit of one million views. Google pays 68% of Adsense revenue, so for every $ 100 an advertiser pays, Google pays the publisher $ 68.

    How many subscribers do you need to start getting profits?
    During the past year, the YouTube profit policy has changed, so the channel must have gained 1,000 subscribers during the last 12 months. Also, the size of subscribers is of great importance in increasing YouTube views. If someone sees that there are many subscribers to the channel, this will be a greater incentive for him to subscribe.

    Is it possible to profit from YouTube without Google Adsense?
    YouTube users can profit from YouTube without Adsense. You can profit from selling products and affiliate marketing, and advertising for something at the beginning of the video, and there are many, many ways to make a return from YouTube without Adsense. We will dwell on it in detail in a separate article.

    How to receive YouTube profits?
    YouTube profits are withdrawn through Google Adsense, and depending on your address in the Adsense account, the available payment options, but the payment methods used in the Arab countries are:

    A check for the amount due
    Bank transfer
    Western Union (the best way)
    Could You Lose YouTube Monetization?
    YouTube won’t automatically prevent you from monetizing … but channels can lose monetization if you violate any of YouTube’s monetization policies, regardless of watch hours and subscribers.

    Are you getting YouTube earnings every month?
    Yes, YouTube pays you your earnings on a monthly basis, often on the 21st of the month. Once you win $ 100 or more, YouTube will start paying you on a monthly basis.

    youtube trending

    What are the conditions for earning from YouTube?
    Your channel should get a total of 4000 watch hours, which means the number of hours your videos are watched. Viewers must watch your videos for 240,000 minutes (4k hours) and 1000 subscribers to enable monetization. That is, after you fulfill these conditions, you will earn money from YouTube AdSense.

    Who gets the most profits from YouTube?
    According to Forbes, the top five YouTube celebs are:

    1. Ryan Toys Review – $ 22 million
    2. Jake Ball – $ 21.5 million
    3. Dweedy Perfect – $ 20 million
    4. Jeffree Star – $ 18 million
    5. Dan DTM – $ 18.5 million

    online marketing for nonprofits 2020

  • Can you buy less than a bitcoin?

    Can you buy less than a bitcoin

    You may, in fact, purchase less than a whole bitcoin, to put it simply. This holds true for practically all cryptocurrencies, but it is especially true for expensive cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

    Contrary to popular belief, you can purchase fractional bitcoins. Many consumers abandon up and switch to currencies with lower per unit pricing after finding that one bitcoin costs more than the majority of midsize vehicles. This is unfortunate because Bitcoin is often regarded as the cryptocurrency with the lowest level of risk, making it ideal for newcomers to the field. Even worse, people tend to be drawn to currencies with extremely cheap unit prices even though these coins typically have significantly greater associated hazards.

    The fact is that you can get bitcoin for as low as $30. (and other cryptos). You own bitcoin whether you have 1 bitcoin, 15 bitcoins, or even 0.01 bitcoins, and you are as vulnerable to its ups and downs. What matters is not how much you own. The fact that there are only 21 million bitcoin and you have a share of that extremely small pie is what matters.

    In addition to the aforementioned misperception, there is another factor at work.

    Unit bias

    All financial sectors, including cryptocurrencies, depend heavily on psychology (the Keynesian beauty pageant is a wonderful illustration). Biases are a crucial topic for psychological research in the field of finance since they frequently influence people’s decision-making. A new prejudice called unit bias has entered finance thanks to cryptocurrencies. Unit bias can take on numerous forms, but in the context of cryptocurrencies, it refers to the preference for entire units over fractional ones.

    Unit prejudice is a combination of two myths.

    • A complete coin is preferable to a portion.
    • It is preferable to have several coins than just one.

    People are prone to prefer entire things. Which would you prefer: a crisp $10 note or a clutch of change that is the same amount? How would you react if a waiter served you a drink that was just 3/4 full of the way full rather than the typical near the top? It’s crucial to acknowledge the frustration people feel with fractions. Though that quantity of bitcoin is worth far more in terms of dollars, it is true that seeing “2.0 ETH” rather than “0.400515 BTC” in your Wallet balance is likely more pleasant.

    The second argument advances the first. When two items are comparable, having a lot of one is better than having a little of the other. This makes sense in terms of physical reality. The majority of individuals would concur that having 10 apples is preferable to having 5 oranges (unless, perhaps, you like oranges twice as much as you like apples). Our physical-based intuition can be simply used in the digital world. There are several cryptocurrency initiatives that produce billions of coins. Millions of these coins may be purchased for a pittance of money. It’s simple then to rush to assumptions such, “if this coin goes to 50 cents, I’ll have a million dollars!”Compared to your 0.400515 BTC yielding the same outcome, this appears more realistic.

    The reality is that it makes no difference how counterintuitive it may seem, how many coins you have, whether they number in the millions or are only a fraction of one. It doesn’t matter because there are several ways to count or value coins. Your 0.400515 BTC might be denominated in a way to make it appear larger and more complete.

    We often and automatically update an item’s denomination. Big-ticket purchases like houses are measured in hundreds or millions of dollars: “My ideal house is $1.5 million, but the new house for sale is $450,000.” A romantic date is valued in tens of dollars as follows: “A movie and meal cost around $80.” Possibly a vending machine dollar and cent terms: “This Coke costs $1.50.”

    How can we denominate 0.400515 BTC?

    Can you buy less than a bitcoin

    Bitcoin denomination – BTC or sats?

    Similar to how the smallest dollar denomination is not one dollar, the smallest Bitcoin denomination is not 1 BTC. One penny is the lowest retail monetary amount. The lowest Bitcoin denomination is 1 satoshi, or sat as it is sometimes abbreviated; both are allowed. In honor of the fictitious inventor of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, it is referred to as a satoshi or sati. What is the value of a Satoshi? How does it compare to the dollar?

    One hundredth of a dollar is equal to one penny. To put it another way, 100 pennies are required to make 1 dollar.

    One dollar equals 100 cents.

    One satoshi, or 100,000,000th of a bitcoin, is a significantly smaller unit of currency. One bitcoin costs 100,000,000 satoshi to create.

    1 BTC equals 100,000,000 sats.

    The cumbersome quantity of bitcoin mentioned above (0.400515 BTC) is equivalent to around 40 million satoshi. For amusement, at the time of writing, one million dollars is equal to 2.243 billion satoshi.

    The concept of having eight decimal places of granularity seemed absurd in the early days of Bitcoin, when it was only worth a dollar. The necessity for satoshis begins to make sense now that Bitcoin is valued tens of thousands of dollars, with big traditional institutions forecasting it might be worth six figures.

    Using full bitcoins to pay for everyday products becomes less beneficial as one bitcoin’s value increases. A 40,000 dollar bitcoin is too much to compare to the price of a cup of coffee (at the time of this writing, about 0.00009000 BTC). In this instance, satoshi is easier for humans to read. Therefore, the cost of the coffee would be “nine thousand satoshi.” Satoshi will get easier to understand as Bitcoin’s value rises. At least for everyday purchases, it will make more sense to use satoshi instead of bitcoin. The phrase “The new mansion for sale costs 2.5 Bitcoins” might work better for expensive things.

    It’s crucial to remember that whether you use Sats or Bitcoin, they refer to the same thing both are true.

    Can you buy less than a bitcoin

    Calculating profits and losses

    Calculating profit or loss using the entire coin’s dollar value is a popular approach for those who are new to cryptocurrencies. Some people find it challenging to comprehend how to determine their profit or loss when they have fewer than one coin.

    You haven’t made a $1,000 profit because you only have 0.1 BTC if BTC is worth $10,000 and the price rises $1,000 to $11,000.

    If you sell all of your Bitcoin at the time it improves in value by $1,000, you will have made $1,000. But if you only have 0.1 BTC, you’ve only made a little portion of that.

    Your profit, if you have only one bitcoin, is $1,000.

    Can you buy less than a bitcoin

    How to Buy Bitcoin

    How Bitcoin Works


  • What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    The cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is similar to Bitcoin (BTC) in many ways, but it also incorporates several unique features and adjustments. Despite the fact that it is regarded as a “fork” of Bitcoin, supporters contend that Bitcoin Cash adheres more closely to the original vision of developing a peer-to-peer electronic cash system as outlined in a 2008 white paper written by the protocol’s creator, a person or group going by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

    Bitcoin Cash’s core features

    A decentralized peer-to-peer electronic cash system, such as Bitcoin Cash, runs independently of any centralized entities like a government or banking institution. As a result, it signifies a fundamental rethink of money itself. Bitcoin Cash’s main characteristics are:

    • everyone is welcome. Bitcoin Cash has no owners or owners. There is no CEO, and using it is not subject to approval.
    • Pseudonymous. Transactions are not linked to identities. This makes it possible to maintain the unrestricted usage of Bitcoin Cash by everyone.
    • Transparent. Every transaction is documented on the blockchain, a decentralized global public ledger. At regular intervals, blocks that are linked together to form a chain update the ledger. This reduces the possibility of fraud by making it simple for anybody to view the complete history of ownership.
    • Distributed. A network of people called as “nodes” willingly stores the public ledger (blockchain). This ensures the durability of the information.
    • Rules-based. To reach consensus on the ledger’s current state, nodes adhere to a set of guidelines (a protocol). The ‘truth’ about who owns what is this general agreement. The protocol, however, can alter in response to participant demand, however significant consensus is needed to implement modifications. As a result, participants in Bitcoin Cash create a sort of social contract, making it a quasi-political system.
    • Immutable. Transactions practically cannot be changed once they are recorded in the blockchain because to the technology used.
    • Secure. Proof of Work (PoW) is a procedure where “miners” compete to add new blocks to the chain that makes up the ledger (again, the blockchain). By using game-theory based security measures, the hardware and energy requirements of PoW mining ensure that an attack on the network is both prohibitively expensive and assures that the attacker will not immediately profit.
    • constant supply There will only ever be 21 million coins produced. This turns Bitcoin Cash into a physical asset, similar to real estate or gold, giving users the chance to long-term hold value in the digital world.

    What is Bitcoin Cash used for?

    The fundamental characteristics of Bitcoin Cash stated above make it an excellent means of exchange and a long-term store of wealth. From a more philosophical standpoint, these two use cases along with the protocol’s decentralized and open structure make Bitcoin Cash (the network) a means of promoting and supporting international economic freedom.

    Long-term store of value

    There will never be more than 21 million coins in circulation for Bitcoin Cash. This is stated in the Bitcoin Cash protocol’s definitional code. Since Bitcoin Cash is a decentralized network, users ultimately control how the protocol develops. Since it is not in participants’ best interests to dilute their holdings by modifying the protocol, the 21-million-coin cap will probably always exist.

    Along a predetermined timetable that is also included in the code, the pace at which new coins are added to the quantity that is in circulation steadily diminishes. Every four years, the issuance rate is roughly halved in half. As a result, Bitcoin Cash is an asset that “disinflates.”

    The third “halving” took place in April 2020, bringing the issuance rate per block down from 12.5 to 6.25 BCH. 87.5% of the 21 million coins had been distributed at that moment, or 18,375,000. Up until about the year 2136, when the last halving will cut the block reward to to 0.00000168 BCH, the fourth halving in 2024 will reduce the issuance to 3.125 BCH.

    The’set-in-stone’ supply schedule of Bitcoin Cash distinguishes it from other hard assets. In contrast, despite its restricted supply, gold is nevertheless susceptible to the dynamics of supply and demand. More gold miners are motivated to look for gold when the price of gold rises. the causes a rise in the amount of gold available, which drives down the price.

    Highly effective medium of exchange

    Peer-to-peer payments may be made with Bitcoin Cash, exactly like with traditional money. Importantly, regardless of the participants’ physical locations, costs for transmitting Bitcoin Cash often amount to less than a cent per transaction, and settlement happens very quickly. This makes Bitcoin Cash ideal for everyday transactions like grocery shopping in addition to remittances and international trading. Bitcoin Cash works well for micro-transaction use cases like tipping content creators and rewarding app users since the costs and transaction times are so minimal.

    Economic freedom

    Economic freedom is the capacity for people to independently and collaboratively acquire and use their own resources as they see fit. It is a fundamental human right and an essential part of human dignity. Money is a key instrument for facilitating economic freedom since it can be used for both storing and exchanging value.

    On an opt-in basis, Bitcoin Cash offers a different currency that promotes economic independence. In contrast to national currencies, Bitcoin Cash has robust defenses against (1) money laundering, (2) government censorship, and (3) depreciation through unchecked inflation.

    Is Bitcoin Cash different from Bitcoin?

    A “fork” of Bitcoin is what Bitcoin Cash is known as. After members of the Bitcoin ecosystem couldn’t come to terms on how to scale the cryptocurrency, it was founded on August 1st, 2017.

    Block size, which is important for the number of transactions that can be completed per second (also known as “throughput”), was the major topic of disagreement. Since transactions are made up of data, a bigger block size allows for the inclusion of more transactions per block, increasing throughput.

    Since its inception, the Bitcoin protocol has restricted each block to 1MB in size. The rivalry for the finite block size as Bitcoin’s user base developed progressively resulted in higher transaction fees and extended settlement times. In these circumstances, Bitcoin still has some use for high-value transactions or transactions where speed is not as critical, but it has lost a lot of its use as a means of exchange for smaller transactions when fees and settlement time are crucial. In other words, it lost some of its value as “currency.”

    A static protocol is not what Bitcoin is. The process of integrating changes, or the “government” of Bitcoin, is based on consideration, persuasion, and volition. To put it another way, individuals decide what Bitcoin is.

    One side thought the necessity to preserve 1MB block sizes while scaling Bitcoin was a problem. They argued that scaling Bitcoin “off chain,” or on a second-layer solution, was preferable, reserving the “on-chain” base settlement layer for only bigger transactions. The opposing party favored expanding the block size to accommodate more transactions per block. This immediate update was viewed as a straightforward way to maintain rapid, dependable transactions and cheap costs.

    As a result of the Bitcoin community’s inability to agree on the adjustment, there occurred a “hard fork,” or a moment when two different Bitcoin versions split apart. The block size increase version was given the moniker Bitcoin Cash (BCH), whilst the unaltered version kept the name Bitcoin (BTC).

    What’s the difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash?

    Since Bitcoin Payment’s fork in 2017, the several separate development teams working on the protocol have introduced a number of developments targeted at enhancing Bitcoin Cash’s usefulness as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that promotes economic freedom. The following is a summary of the advancements that differentiate Bitcoin Cash from Bitcoin:

    Maximum block size

    Compared to Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash has a 32MB maximum block size (1MB). The Bitcoin Cash network can handle more transactions on chain due to the higher block size. In contrast to Bitcoin, which normally processes 3–7 transactions per second, Bitcoin Cash can handle up to 200 transactions per second. This contributes to lower transaction costs and faster, more dependable transactions. Transactions using Bitcoin Cash often cost less than one cent. In contrast, since 2020, the average on-chain Bitcoin (BTC) transaction cost has ranged between $1 and $15.

    Smart contract support

    To allow more advanced tasks than the simple transactions available on Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash developers can employ smart contract languages like Cashscript. This opens the door for “decentralized finance” applications like trading in synthetic derivatives. Private payments using programs like CashShuffle and CashFusion are another example of use cases. Additionally, it permits “token issuance” (see below).

    Token issuance

    Developers may create new tokens using the Simple Ledger Protocol that exist on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain in a similar way to how ERC-20 tokens exist on the Ethereum network. For instance, the leading provider of USD stablecoins, Tether, has released USDT tokens that are decentralized on the Bitcoin Cash network. This makes it possible for users to transfer and receive USDT for just a few cents each time they use a non-custodial digital wallet like the Wallet.

    Non-Fungible Tokens

    In addition, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), which perform similarly to Ethereum’s ERC-721 standard, are supported by the Simple Ledger Protocol. The primary characteristic of NFTs is that they are distinct from one another digital tokens. This opens up a wide range of possible use cases, from online markets for digital art to tradable in-game goods.

    No ‘replace-by-fee’

    With Bitcoin (BTC), transactions can be canceled or double-spent while they are still pending confirmation. Since unconfirmed transactions are effectively* irreversible, the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) protocol is more secure because replace-by-fee is not supported. Additionally, it permits almost instantaneous small-dollar transactions. The unconfirmed chained transaction limit (formerly set at 50) was abolished and double-spend tests were added with the May 2021 Bitcoin Cash protocol upgrade. This increased the usefulness of Bitcoin Cash as a payment method in situations where a large number of quick, low-value transactions are required.

    *Take note that theoretically, a Bitcoin Cash transaction can still be double spent. However, doing so would need collaborating with miners and/or paying miners a very large transaction fee to accept a second transaction over the first. For this reason, it’s best to hold off on accepting a sizable sum of BCH until the transaction has been verified on the blockchain. Check out more information about the Bitcoin Cash network’s double spends.

    Schnorr signatures

    This digital signature system enables more sophisticated signing abilities. Schnorr signature-based transactions use less storage, which lowers their cost. Schnorr signatures are now supported by the Bitcoin Cash protocol, however they are not yet extensively used by wallet providers. When Schnorr signatures are widely used, the network’s privacy might be improved by increasing the fungibility of tokens (effectively making all transactions appear to third-party observers to be more similar to each other).

    Difficulty adjustment algorithm

    The aserti3-2d exponential moving target difficulty adjustment algorithm is used by Bitcoin Cash. The difficulty decreases by half for every two days that blocks are behind schedule, whereas it increases by two days for every two days that blocks are ahead of plan. Although there is substantial price volatility and hash power elasticity, this difficulty adjustment method helps to ensure that new blocks are created at a consistent rate (every 10 minutes). For instance, Bitcoin Cash’s difficulty adjustment algorithm guarantees blocks continue to be generated at the appropriate constant rate even if SHA256 miners switch their hashing power from BTC to BCH and back.

    Can you buy less than a bitcoin?

    How to Buy Bitcoin

    How Bitcoin Works


    Simple Ledger Protocol

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?

    What is Bitcoin Cash?